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Major: International Economic Relations
Status: Workygirl

I am fond of chocolates, flowers, friends, loud music, watching movies, taking pictures and traveling!!!

Summer Study Abroad
Olya Bezvushko

To spend a year studying abroad undoubtedly is a deal. Unfortunately it cannot work for everybody. All dreams concerning studying abroad may be dispelled after you have examined the costs involved with spending a year abroad. That’s when a summer session abroad may appear to be a great deal in many ways.

First of all, having a summer session classes abroad allows you not to miss any required courses if you are on an academic schedule in your country. You are free to choose exciting elective courses you may not have chance to include into your usual schedule.

Secondly, most summer programs are divided into sessions with a week in between. So you will get free time to travel.

Thirdly, summer classes usually have fewer students than an average semester course and it really matters when it comes to learning a new language. The less is the amount of students in your course the more time for individual instructions you can get.

Moreover, as summer session courses are shorter in length they are cheaper, and prices seem even more reasonable when you explore the financial aid options available for summer session participants.

In addition, it is easier to leave loved ones when it is only for a matter of weeks. Shorter sessions are a good variant for those students, who have a family and children.

Remember, that experiencing a new culture for any amount of time is better than not doing it at all!!!

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